Thursday, April 24, 2008

Travel to Study the Bible

Something to Think About:

Just this week an economic genius on a major news program predicted that if the cost of jet fuel continues to rise, that within a few years, overseas travel by plane will be cost prohibitive for the average person. My grandparents came to this country in 1904 by ship. Trans-global travel by ship may make again become common.

How does this affect you? If you have dreamed about travel to the Holy Land, but for a variety of reasons have postponed it, don’t put it off! If that economic genius is correct, in a few years the average person may not be able to travel to Israel. I usually advise my senior adult friends to make that trip to Israel soon –before their health gives out – now my speech will be different: travel while you can still afford it!!

I will be traveling to Israel in September with a group of 40. I will get the blessing of teaching in the evenings. My theme will be the women from the sites that we will visit. Let me know if you are interested to go along.