Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 Almost the End of a Decade

My dear friend Jerry wrote a message on his Facebook that began…. “As 2009 comes to an end I am reflecting on my....” This started me thinking….we are coming to the end of another decade – what did I do with my life?
It has been an interesting decade so far. I feel that I have grown in my walk with the Lord, and have helped others grow also. Who could ask for more? But I can always do better, move closer to the things of God.
God has had me on the move in the past years. I call these my “missionary journeys for the Lord.” Since 2000 I have moved cross country three times and was a member of seven wonderful churches. I have been a member of a church of a well known t.v. pastor that would fill with 1,000 each week, and a church that had 50 in attendance. I have had pastors that were soft-spoken and humble, and others that were outgoing firebrands, and everything in between. I have been blessed to have led women in Bible Study at each church.
With a year left in this decade it is a good time for me to not only reflect on what has passed, but to wonder what lies ahead. As a senior adult, and with the condition of the world, every year, every day counts. As I look ahead, and attempt to have a plan, I ask myself these questions – perhaps you might ask them of yourself also:
Where I am with the Lord? Am I still growing? Do I still have that wide-eyed wonder and reverence that I had as a new Christian?
I say I am growing, and say that I love the Lord. What things might indicate my spiritual growth and closeness to the Lord? Talk is cheap. Action speak louder than words.
Communication with the Lord. Do I pray? What do I pray for? Is my attitude, “God meet my needs,” or “ Thy will be done”? I need to pray more often.
Do I read the Word? Do I study the Word and seek to understand its meaning, and the message to me from the Lord? How much time to I spend studying the Word in relation to time I spend at the movies, reading magazines, or Christian fiction? How much time do I spend in the Word, even in relation to textbooks that I might be studying?
Church membership. Do I look forward to attending church? Is my focus worship, or entertainment? Is my focus worship or meeting my own needs? I want to always keep the sense of awe and reverence as I approach the Lord on “the Lord’s Day.” I want to have my attitude and attire reflect that I am approaching the Lord on ‘His Day.” It should never become just another day to me – I want it to be a special, set-apart day. Its all about Him, not about me.
Service and sacrifice. I love verse from Romans 12, to “…present my body a living sacrifice”…. But I can do better. A sacrifice is brought to the Lord, spotless, whole and dedicated. I want my entire life to be focused on the Lord. Like Anna in Luke 2, who “lived in the temple, praying and fasting.’ I want to be like Anna, totally given over to things of the Lord.
Attachment to the world. I want to separate myself from the world. This is difficult. The world surrounds me. Worldly people surround me in my family and in the community. My true family is in the church. I must come apart from things important to the world – “sex, drugs, rock and roll” as we used to say, represents the things of the world. Attachment to success, money and most of all attachment to “things.” I see this creeping into even the church family. Paul said that he was ‘content in all things.’ Let me remember that spiritual treasures are more important and longer lasting than earthly treasure and “things.”
What else…so much more….this is just a beginning. My prayer is that the year 2010 will be a decade of great change for me…that I might be not only tucked safely under the wing of the Lord, but that I am changing to be more and more like Jesus every day. That I am obedient and faithful. This is just the beginning.

Friday, December 25, 2009

He Called Her Daughter

This was printed on the web site "Celebrating Hope" in March 09


He Called Her Daughter

March 27, 2009

by Jeanne Sant
Two of my friends and I are touched by cancer. One in remission, one with a recurrence, and one with the dreadful new diagnosis. As I prayed for us today, not in fear or sadness, but in faith, I was reminded of the woman in Scripture, who like us, was dreadfully ill – the woman with an issue of blood in Luke 8:43-48:

And a woman who had a hemorrhage for twelve years, and could not be healed by anyone, came up behind Jesus and touched the fringe of His cloak, and immediately her hemorrhage stopped.

Jesus said, “Who is the one who touched Me?” And while they were all denying it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing in on You.”
But Jesus said, “Someone did touch Me, for I was aware that power had gone out of Me.”
When the woman saw that she had not escaped notice, she came trembling and fell down before Him, and declared in the presence of all the people the reason why she had touched Him, and how she had been immediately healed.
And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”

The doctors had done what was earthly possible. The woman went to Jesus in faith and reached out to just touch the hem of His robe. Aside from the miraculous healing, the thing that touches my heart in this story is that Jesus called her “daughter.” This is the only woman in Scripture that Jesus addressed as “daughter.”

He did not call her “daughter of Abraham” nor “daughter of Jerusalem.” He did not call her “woman,” a bland and generic label, which he even used to address his own mother.

He called her “daughter.” His daughter. An endearing term. A term of relationship. His “daughter?” If we can be called His “daughter,” we can be secure and safe in the knowledge that our Father knows us and loves us even in our most dark seasons of life.

I am His “daughter,” and that gives me great comfort.
May you also be comforted today .

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Another Christmas Story

Women’s Study Hall: Samaritan Woman
(John 4:1-42)

December is here and thoughts turn to the Christmas story. My friend Judy, called and asked me to suggest a text or theme for a short devotional she has to present to her Sunday School class for Christmas. “Something unusual, not the same thing that everyone else might present,” she said.

The answer for me is easy. I believe the story of the Samaritan Woman is a great Christmas Story!! It is the story of a gift - the gift of a miracle - the miracle of a life changed for eternity.

Read John 4:1-42. Slow down and read each word. Make a list of words that are repeated, or that you do not fully understand. What seems surprising to you? Or new to you?
Ask out three questions: Why has God given me this story? What would I miss out on if this story were not in Scripture? How can I apply this story to my own life? Add a forth question: How is this a Christmas story?

Read John 4:1-42 again.
In the study of the Woman at the Well, we are drawn to the main character – Jesus. He is our focus as the Messiah who comes to a village in the early part of His ministry, and reveals something to a sinful woman, that He reveals to very few people; the long awaited Messiah has come and is standing in front of her.

The story of Jesus and His encounter with the Samaritan woman is preached and studied often with the emphasis on evangelism – how Jesus reaches out to a Gentile woman to offer her eternal life. We study His love, care and concern, and her response. She is the first person to whom Jesus admits that He is the Messiah. She believes, accepts His gift of eternal life – then goes and tells the others in the village.

Jesus selected different metaphors to explain salvation to individuals. In the chapter before this one (Luke 3) Jesus uses the metaphors of “being born again” and “the wind blowing” to explain in a word picture the truths of salvation to a religious and educated man. Here in this story of the sinful, pagan woman in Samaria, Jesus uses the metaphor of a “gift” to explain to her about the life changing, and sustaining salvation that is available to her. “If you knew the gift of God and who it is who says to you, Give Me a drink….,” (verse 10) He never uses this exact metaphor again in recorded Scripture.

The Greek word used here for “gift” means a supernatural, God-given gift. It is not the word that means a charismatic gift, like spiritual gifts given to believers, and it is not the word gift that means the giving of a present to someone. Jesus never uses this particular word again. This alone should make us want to study the meaning of this particular type of gift that Jesus offers to the woman…and to us.

A supernatural, God-given gift. It is only the Lord Jesus Christ who can give the gift of eternal life. He comes to her, as he does to us in various ways, and offers her this supernatural gift. He places the offer of the gift before her, without any indication that she has done anything to deserve it, and her response is to reject it or accept this miraculous, eternity changing, offer. She accepts, and her life is never the same.

Ask: Why has God given me this story? What would I miss out on if this story were not in Scripture? How can I apply this story to my own life?

This story can be used at Christmas to explain the gift of eternal life. Because it is not the usual Christmas story, people may be more inclined to listen to what you have to say.
Jesus comes to a woman and offers her a gift. A supernatural gift. Did she really understand it all…like us probably not, but she realized that He was the Messiah, the one who would bring cleaning and peace to her soul. Jesus made his way to her at her place of comfort, her place of usual routine. He reached out and ‘got her attention.’

That’s what Christmas is all about. Jesus comes as a baby and offers the world a supernatural gift, the gift of eternal life. He comes to a world, to us, who are so unworthy to receive this gift. Anyone can receive this gift, and no one really deserves it.

I love the Christmas season. I love standing in long lines at the mall and WalMart! I love it!! I use this opportunity to mention the name of Jesus to those standing around me! You can do it too. You can tell people in a friendly, non-threatening way about the gift of eternal life! My technique is to get eye contact with someone, and glance at the magazine rack. Make some comment about what is on the cover of that gossip magazine, and say something about it and the condition of the world to spark the conversation. During the year I say, “I’m so glad that Jesus is coming back soon and is going to get us out of this mess.” Then I don’t say anything more. They just have to think about it! Believers will nod their heads, or say something in agreement. Non-believers will look quizzically or dumbfounded - at least they have heard the name of Jesus this day and have something to think about!

This Christmas let us rejoice and worship in an attitude of thanksgiving. God gave us the baby in the manger. God gave us, He offers to us, the gift of salvation. “Happy Birthday Baby Jesus…and thank You for giving to us the gift of eternal life.”

I would love to hear your comments – jpsant@netzero.net.

Samaritan Woman

Like the empty jug
Fill my empty soul,
I feel dry and dead,
Fill and make me whole.

Scorned and alone,
Knife of hostility cut deep,
Townswomen, not friendly,
Would never speak.

Always looking for love,
Bad life choices,
Then you come to me,
My once-dead soul rejoices.

“Give me a drink,” His followers gone,
Conversation that would burn my soul,
With gentle eyes and gentle voice,
He was unlike men of my previous choice.

Man with the kind voice, You are much like me, always looking for someone to love You.

I was intrigued by this Jew who spoke to me,
Little did I know He would set me free.
A gift to give of eternal life,
I realized my sin, and had new life.

Man with the kind voice, You are much like me, always looking for someone to love You.

Like the jug of water, made of clay,
He took control, like the potter that day,
Living Water filled to the brim,
Overflowing with life, I believed in Him.

Man with the kind voice, You are much like me, always looking for someone to love You.

You too were scorned,
But with nails and a cross,
You took my sin
I am reborn through your loss.

Man with the kind voice, I love you.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Women and Bible Study

Hunger for the Word: the Hidden Spiritual Gift?
By Jeanne Sant

Why do some Christians hunger for the Word, and others not? Does God want women to study the Word?

I was gloriously saved at the age of 42 in 1987! In an instant of time I was brought into the Kingdom of God - and have never been the same. I hungered for the Word and that has continued to this very day. The day I was saved I immediately got into Gods Word to see what He had to say for me, and I continue to be in the Word daily.

I am no spiritual superstar. I truly believe that the Holy Spirit has put it on my heart to hunger for the Word, to be in constant study. It is not my choice, it is the energy, and guidance of the Holy Spirit! But is it a spiritual gift to want to study the Word Of God? Why do some of us, professing born-again Christians, study and others not?

A year after I had been saved I began to notice that I seemed to have a better grasp of Gods Word, than women who had been Christians 20-30 years. Women in their 50, 60, even 70s did not seem to know some basics. What had they been studying all those years? Sometimes I was not only amazed at their lack of knowledge, but embarrassed for them. I am no spiritual giant-I feel average and wonder why "average" women do not hunger for God's Word.

Many of the Senior Adult ladies have told me that as young women they were never encouraged to study the Word of God – so they never got into the daily habit-and most of them see no need to begin now.

Do women want to study? Many do and I am blessed by their lives and knowledge. I am challenged by them and learn from what they have studied and teach to me. A woman who studies the word has a sense of steadiness about her. She is solid in her faith. She knows her LORD. There are many serious Woman's Leaders such as Kay Arthur, Ann Graham Lotz, and Joyce Myers, to name just a few. You go gals!!! Teach the Word! Teach the serious, factual Word! I am blessed by these and others also.

Over the past 15 years I have been a member of 4 different churches (I have lived in 4 different cities). Small congregations, and large congregations. I do not see many women in serious Bible Study. Just small pockets of women here and there meeting to seriously study the Word of God in depth. Where are the others? I have figured out that the other women must be in secret, private Bible Study groups. Why have they not publicized these groups so we can join in? Where and when are these clandestine groups? They must be out there!

Many women do study at home alone and have no interest in a group study. I have led a ladies Sunday School class almost continually since I was a new believer. Most Sundays I ask the class if they have read their lesson prior to coming to class. Just a simple little Sunday School lesson. A few do read and prepare for Sunday. Many times I will say to the others, "I know why you did not have time to study this simple little Sunday School lesson, you must have been spending so much of your time this week in some other deep, serious Bible Study." They usually smile and look sheepish.
Time. Maybe it is a time factor that women do not study. I am single again, and have no children. Even when I work 40 hours a week I am in serious Bible Study. I realize that I have much more time to study than others. I really do realize that. God has arranged my life with much free time so that I can study. Perhaps this is the spiritual gift - the "gift of free time," so that we have no excuse for not studying the Word of God. What are you doing with your time?

Some women consider daily bible study as reading their “Daily Bread, “Journey” or other prepared devotional – yet they never open an actual Bible.

Is “the hunger to study” a spiritual gift that is not listed in the Scripture? Why do some study and others not? Does God want women to study the Scripture? Not anywhere in the Scripture does it seem to indicate that the “hunger to study” is a spiritual gift. It is an issue of the heart and a discipline like prayer, worship, tithing, good works, etc… Reading and studying the Word of God is submission and obedience.

Not only do women not hunger for the word of God, but when they do study, many study in a "fluffy" emotional way. I realize that God made women as “relational and emotional” and we need fun and fellowship when we gather together. Today there even seems to be an upsurge of women studying the word of God, but if you look closely, many of those leaders base their programs on humor, and "feelings," and never get down to a serious, meaningful study.

Just observe what is said as you listen to women teach. One nationally known woman speaker constantly sprinkles all of her teachings with the words, "I feel," "me," my experience," etc... Emotion, feelings. The Word of God and the truths of God are based on facts, not feelings. We are to base our truth on the Word of God and not the Word of God on our feelings.

This well known, national leader states that we must pay attention to our feelings and the Word of God. She is wrong. Our feelings may lead us astray, but Gods Word does not. This “feelings” and ‘fluffy’ approach to Bible Study seems to appeal to many women. Maybe “fluffy study” is better than no Bible Study at all. (?)

What can you do to increase your Bible Study?
1. Admit that God does want women to study the Scripture.
2. Go to God in repentance for hours, days and years lost to you.
3. Ask God to impress on your heart the importance of His Word.
4. Pray for time and no distractions.
5. Get someone to help you. Talk to a mature woman in your church to guide you.
6. Put all other reading aside, even the daily news paper. Why are you reading this when you can be reading the Word of God?
7. Turn off your TV for an hour a day.
8. Bible study means growth and change to be more like Jesus. Look at any studies or groups you are involved in now. Are you challenged by your Sunday School teacher or group leader? Is what you learn applied to daily living? Is it the Word of God or the word of someone else? How much time of your group gathering is actual study and how much is socializing?

Last but not least – this should be first thing you do:
9. Pray, pray, pray for a hunger to be in the Word. God will hear
and will bless you. The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth.

God wants all of His children to study His word and be obedient – that includes women. The Holy Spirit will lead you into obedience – that is really the issue.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

God Loves Israel

This Bible Study, using the Stop! Look! Listen! technique appeared iin the November 2009 on-line issue of the "In His Presence" Christian publication.

IN HIS PRESENCE Women’s Study Hall

Over the past few months we have studied specific women of Scripture using the Stop! Look! Listen! technique. This same technique can be used to study specific sections of Scripture, or themes, as a topical study.

Today’s news is full of reference to Israel and the situation in the Middle East. Have you ever asked why the world seems to hate Israel? Israel is only the size of New Jersey! There is no oil or other resources that might make nations want to take possession of the land! It is the smallest nation in the Middle East, having the smallest military force! What’s the big deal with Israel that seems to bring it to the forefront of all discussions on Middle East tensions? A study of Scripture might just disclose why the focus of unrest in the Middle East in 2009 is Israel.

Two themes run through the entire Scripture. One is called “the Scarlet Thread,” scarlet representing the blood of Jesus, and His sacrifice for us. This thread is seen in every book from Genesis (the ‘seed’), through Revelation (the King of Kings comes back.)

Another thread, recurring theme, is Israel. The Bible tells the story of the people and nation of Israel from Genesis (Abraham as the father of the Hebrews) through Revelation (Jesus returns to Jerusalem.) An overall study of prophecy, centers on two themes…Jesus…and Israel. Amazing! Due to the limited amount of space in this column we cannot study Israel in all its facets, but lets take a very brief look at a few verses that tell of God’s love of for, and promises to Israel.

The People and Land of Israel

Gen 12:1-3, 7; Gen. 13:14-15; Gen. 15:18; Gen. 26:3; Deut. 7:6-9; 9:6-7; Jer. 31:35-37; Heb. 11:12

Stop! Pray for God to give you the time and focus on all that He wants to teach you.
Always begin by looking at your Bible. You should be using a study Bible, not a paraphrase.

Ask “What do I already know about historical Israel? Biblical Israel? Modern Israel? “What questions do I have?” “Is this study important, or even necessary?” Take the time to actually write out the answers to these questions…you might be surprised at what you find!

Read Gen 12:1-3, 7; Gen. 13:14-15; Gen. 15:18; Gen. 26:3; Deut. 7:6-9; 9:6-7; Jer. 31:35-37: Heb. 11:12 that speak of God’s covenant with Abraham and the title to the land. Read for general information.

Read the verses again making note of words or phrases that you might need to research further; repeated words, words of interest, etc. Every word is from God. What jumps off the page at you? As you read the verses a second time I recommend something that is unusual. Hand-write out all these verses. By doing this you will greatly improve your retention of the material.

The common questions that people seem to have when they study Israel are: Why did God choose the Jews as His special people? Are the promises made to Abraham still in effect today? How should the church respond/relate to Israel today? These are difficult questions for many of us. As you study Scripture, try to put your opinions aside and just KISS…keep it sacred Scripture.

There are literally hundreds of verses that reflect that God loves Israel: Jer. 12:7-8 (God calls Israel ‘the dearly beloved of My soul”), Ps. 89:30-34, Is. 65:8-9, Amos 9:4 and many more. There are many verses that speak about the possession of the land: Gen. 28:13; Ex. 3:8, 15-17.

Lamentations 2:22b seems to say that God ‘bore’ Israel, “Those whom I have borne and brought up…..” God never says he ‘bore’ any other nation.

Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are often mentioned in the nightly news. There are many verses that reflect God’s love for Jerusalem specifically. Psalm 48:1-2 calls Jerusalem (Zion), “ the city of God,” “the joy of the whole earth.”

Most of the direct references to God’s love for Israel are found in the Old Testament, yet Jesus spoke about Israel, as did others, in the New Testament: study Matthew 2:6; 10:6; 23:37-38: Luke 1:33, 54-55, 68, 77, and Luke 2:32.

Look! Read the verses again. Begin to ask questions about the content. Go back and research the words that you listed in the Stop! section. Bible study is just that – study!
To ‘study’ the Word you will need a Bible dictionary, Bible encyclopedia, and concordance. Purchase these, or borrow them, or go on the internet for information. A note about all these: know who gives the information, know their basic beliefs. Stick to well known and respected writers/scholars.

Look left! For each Scripture read the verses immediately preceding them to get the complete picture of what is going on…the context. Look right! Do the same with the verses that immediately follow these verses. How do these verses impact what you are studying? It is interesting to note that God also has some harsh words for Israel, yet His love continues.

Listen! Ask our three questions:
Why did God give us these verses?
What if these verses had been left out of Scripture?
ASK “SO WHAT!!” How can I apply these verses to my life today? (What do the events going on in Israel have to do with me today?

Three challenges for you:
1. On a map of the world find Israel. Most people don’t even know where Israel is located. (Don’t use the map in the back of your Bible…that’s too easy!)
2. For the next few weeks as you read Scripture, look for references to God’s love and promises to Israel. Mark an “I” (for Israel) in the margin of your Bible.
3. Keep an eye on the newspaper or news programs…look for any mention of Israel. You might be surprised at what you find.

I would love to hear your comments. E-mail me at jpsant@netzero.net.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Totally Unrelated!!

Totally unrelated...but I want my voice heard!!
The new guidelines for mammograms for women "not being needed" as often...is a disaster!!! As a breast cancer survivor who was diagnosed during a routine mammogram I think this is outrageous!! A new medical standard or just cost saving???

Thanksgiving Prayers 2008 and 2009

Thanksgiving Prayer 2009

The year has come and gone.
Many changes.
Many challenges,
And even a few tears.
I have so much to be thankful for!

Yes, some tears
For lost friends,
Lost church,
Lost pastor.
But I still have so much to be thankful for!

Thankful for new house,
Good health,
Personal success with my writing.
I have so much to be thankful for!

Thankful for a new church,
New friends,
New Ministry.
I have so much to be thankful for!

Most of all I am thankful for
Old friends back in my life,
April, Brenda Lois,Maryann, Peggy, Sharon, Wilodene
( in alphabetical order J)
And so many others…..
I have so much to be thankful for!

I am thankful for the love of God in my life.
Very evident.
He is faithful when I am not.

I have so much to be thankful for!

A Thanksgiving Prayer 2008

"Thank you Lord for another year. We have had out ups-and-downs, yet You have been faithful through it all. I thank you for my family. Without them I would be alone.

We don’t have the same politics

But they are my family.

We don’t believe the same spiritually

But they are my family.

Our lifestyles are not similar

But they are my family.

We don’t have much in common

But they are my family.

We are about as dysfunctional as the people next door

Yes, they are my family,

And You gave them to me.

Thank you Lord for my family.
Let me love them more,
and serve them more,
and show You to them more often, in 2010.

I thank you for my family. Without them I would be alone."

(That sure speaks to my heart...what about you?? Now go and have a Happy Thanksgiving get together with your family.)

Love, Jeanne Pass it on... Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bible Study Basics

What Are the "Basics" ?
As I sat down to write my next blog about basics, the thought came to me...what are the basics, and who says so? The basics are the foundation of our faith, and our daily walk in the world.

We often talk about "Biblical Basics." The basics of our faith. Usually we list them as Prayer, Worship, Bible Study, Church Life, Service, Giving, etc.... Who says so? Is there anything in Scripture that tells us what are the basics?

I began looking in Scripture for an answer to those questions. Are there any lists or portions of Scripture that specifically say... "These are the basics"? What I have found so far begins with the Ten Commandments...a general list of basics.

As the people left Egypt under the leadership of Moses they were becoming a nation. At Mount Sinai, God spoke to Moses and gave a list of 'do's and don'ts.' These may be the beginning of what we consider basics. The first section of the Ten Commandments speak of how man should approach God - as the focus of their lives, and with honor - and love. A bit later God gave the Israelites the directions for building the Tabernacle…. A focus on worship….perhaps here we will find a list of “basics”…salvation, giving, obedience, salvation….this is a start.

The other portions of the Ten Commandments focus on the relationship between people. A summary statement might be...love and respect all people - or the old - do unto others as you do to yourself.

As basics, God instructs love, respect and worship of God, and also love and respect for other people. The Ten Commandments and the Tabernacle.

These are great places to begin as we study the ‘basics’.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bible Study Techniuqe


Hey North Acres Baptist Church ladies....no cheating....we will discuss the basics of Bible Study next Sunday.
I have temporarily taken off my blog about my Bible Study Technique....we will talk about it in class...then you can see my notes :)

I have also deleted several of my blogs/studies....as we will be studying this info in depth in class.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy 4th of July USA

Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Country

'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!'

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pray for the Peace of Israel

I have moved the prayer blog to its own site. For Pray for the Peace of Israel go to www.prayforthepeaceofisrael.blogspot.com.