Sunday, April 25, 2010


STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Bible Study Technique
Rahab – Joshua 2:1-21; 6:17-25; Matt 1:5; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25

Day 1
We continue our study of the women in the genealogy of Jesus. Why were just these five women mentioned by name? What is so special about them, that they should stand out, even above Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, etc… In fact, we know of seventeen women in the line of Jesus. The majority are just names on the page, with no further information about them. Most of us have never studied Tamar, Rahab or Bathsheba. What is God trying to say to us through their lives, and what is so special about them that they are mentioned by name in the Matthew 1?

Pray. Ask God to open your eyes and heart to the truths in His Word. Pray for no distractions or interruptions.

Read all the verses. Note that Rahab is mentioned twice in the New Testament. This is very unusual. She is mentioned in James, and she is listed in the “Hall of Faith” in the book of Hebrews. Who is this women and what do we know about her?

a. Mark or list any words you do not fully understand. (If you are using a KJV you might have a longer list because of the use of the old English language).

b. Mark any words that are of interest to you.

Day 2 LOOK!
This section is where you will spend most of your study time. Read the verses again.
Research the words from the STOP! section that you noted that you do not fully understand. Where did this story take place? What period of time/history does this involve?

Getting back to our basic technique….part of crossing the street is to “Look right! Look left!” Study the verses/chapters around this story. How to the preceding events affect this story? How does this story affect the events that follow? Also….”scan the horizon.” Identify where this story took place. Find it on a map. Geography is important.
The remain of Jericho can be visited today – it is considered one of the oldest cities in the world.

List the men associated with her life, and her family - and note how they interact with her. Why did the king of Jericho come to her and ask about seeing the men? Also think about what history/miracles that she witnessed or was part of during her life that might not be mentioned specifically in these verses, What might have happened to Rahab after this episode?

How old was she? Was she really a harlot? Was she a believer in YWHW? Did God use a liar to save the men?

God tells Joshua to kill all the people. Many people say that this is not the merciful God that we worship, but lets think about it. Rahab said that for forty years the people of the Holy Land had seen the miracles that God/YWHW did for the Hebrews. Only Rahab had enough belief in that God to act on that faith. How long is God suppose to wait for someone to repent and turn from pagan ways and faith in Him? So as we study about the conquest of Canaan let us remember that the pagan people had been warned, and that they had seen the miracles of God - yet had not turned to Him. God saved Rahab because of her faith.

She is mentioned in James and in the “Hall of Faith,” What lessons can we learn by these verses?
Of all the events in the Old Testament, James uses Rahab as an example of active faith. What you learned from
James 2:25:_______________
Of all the people in the Old Testament only a few are named in Hebrews 11 – called the Hall of Faith. Only two women are mentioned, Rahab is one. What you learned from Hebrews 11? _______________________________________

Rahab had a strong sense of family. She saved her family in the 'escape plan' that would save her life. Perhaps this is one aspect that we might investigate more closely. As we look at the five women in the genealogy of Jesus perhaps it is this sense of family that draws them together for special recognition....Bathsheba? We will study her soon.

Speaking about Bathsheba....Rahab showed a strong sense of action and courage. She dealt with the men in an assertive we see this in Bathsheba?

Was she the only one in Jericho that believed all the stories about the Israelites and their God. Perhaps. She believed and she acted in that belief. The city knew that the Israelites were coming, yet we only see Rahab acting to help them. God’s timing. God’s divine appointment. God’s love and mercy.

We do not see her praying.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for…” What application are the verses…. ‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for….

a. doctrine(teaching),
b. for reproof(rebuke, censure, conviction),
c. for correction(correction of error),
d. for instruction in righteousness(acting in accordance with Gods teachings),
e. (so) that the man (or woman) of God, may be complete (having reached full maturation, competent, capable to meet all demands) ,
f. thoroughly equipped for every good work.’ ”

How do these fit in with out study of Rahab?

I wonder what happened to her after the city fell. She and her family were taken to the camp of the Israelites (thought it seems that they had to live away from the people). We know that she married a man named Salmon, perhaps one of the two spies, and had a son named Boaz….I wonder if she was still alive when Boaz met Ruth?

What other things might she have experienced. The conquest of the other cities. The death of the family that kept back treasures from Jericho.

Day 3
Now look at our “Four P’s”
Practice: Ask what is the ongoing custom or tradition that is repeated? What can we learn from this that will influence our understanding of the story?

Precepts: Look for specific rules, commands, or instructions. Are any given? “Thou shalt not kill.” Wives and husbands are told to love each other and to be submissive to each other….

Principle: A belief, a standard. A general truth. A fundamental assumption. A generally acceptable rule of action or behavior, i.e. moral principles. General biblical principles might include the Trinity (the word “trinity” never appears in Scripture”, the sovereignty of God (as seen in the story of Esther – thought never called “the sovereignty of God.” Principles often overlap with practice

Progressive Revelation: This is information that is unveiled a little at a time. Genesis through Malachi slowly unveils teachings of the Messiah to come.

Read the verses one last time.
What is God trying to teach us in these verses? Why is she mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus?
What would we have missed if this story had not been written?
What can I apply to my life today? This is the MOST IMPORTANT question of all! This is why we study!