Instructions from God’s Word for Women
A Stop! Look! Listen! Bible Study
Lets see how the SLL technique can be used to study a ‘theme.’ What does Scripture says to women about attitude and actions?
Titus Chapter 2; 1 Tim.2:8-15; 1 Tim.5:3-16.
These verses are directions for two young church pastors….Timothy and Titus. Timothy was the pastor at Ephesis, Titus at Cyprus. Paul is telling them how to organize and run a church…..what do we see?
Stop to pray. These are verses specifically giving directions to women – telling women how to live the Christian life….in the early church….and today.
Read all the verses. Mark all words that you would like to research in detail. God gives many specific action words for women…do you really know what “slander”,” “reverent,” “discreet” mean. What about others?
Look for all the ‘because,’ ‘ for,’ (when it means because” and ‘but’ verses.
What other words will you ‘word search?’ For this study I will also word search___________________ and___________________________________.
“Look right, look left”. To get the general context, general discussion, you might read the verses directly before and after each of these sections of Scripture.
Day 2
Read the verses again. Research the words listed above in the STOP section.
Most of these verses are commands. We are commanded to live a certain way. Ask where these actions are to take place? Are these actions only to take place in church? Only at home?
Titus 2 What is ‘sound doctrine’ ? What about the verse that says ‘homemakers” and “love” their families?____________________________________________________________.
Day 3
I notice many “lists” of actions. Write them out.
Look for verses that explain “why” these actions are important, and what are the results of these actions will be. (Yes there are specific verses for these – Titus 2:5)
1 Tim 2:8-15 - why is attire mentioned?
Write out 1 Tim 2:10_______________________________________.
(For a side study, read the instructions for men and compare the lists. How are they similar? Different?)
Read the verses again. These verses are directions for two young church pastors….Timothy and Titus. Paul is telling them how to organize and run a church…..what do we see?
1. The secular, and church, world today is stressing that there is no equality for women in service to the church…..that men lord it over women and are more capable for service. The world says the Paul, the writer, did not like women and was always putting women in a subservient role. Do we see this in Scripture?______________________________________________________
2. WHY should women act in this manner in the home, or church….or in the work place?
3. Are these verses in any way indicating that women are weaker than men? Less able to serve God than men? That men are more important? Where does it say that men are the only ones capable for ministry? For service? ________________________________________________
We will NOT look at the “4 P’s” This is all “precept” (commands).
What can we learn from these verses and apply to our lives.
1. How does 2 Tim 3:16-17 apply ______________________________________________
2. Why did God give us these verses_____________________________________________
3. What if we did not have these verses?__________________________________________
4. Are these verses for younger women only? Older women only? How does it apply to you TODAY?
5. What changes might you make in your life today from studying these verses.
One of the things that stands out for me is...older women teaching younger women. In many of our churches, cell groups, home groups, Sunday School classes (whatever you call them), are divided up by age. This is important for many reasons, but I have always thought that we need to bring women together of all ages to fellowship and study. Many younger women might need the touch from a godly older woman who has gone through many of the same life and spiritual struggles.
At the age of 42, when I was born again, I really needed some help. Right away my life changed at work, home, etc.... there was no one to help. I was at an overseas location and was one of the 'older' women around. I now know that God did bring one older women, Lois Calhoun, into my life in a passing way, some of the things she said to me, some action she taught me, are evident in my life every day. (For those who know me...I go out to study each day at a place away from home because Lois Calhoun told me that was how she studied) Thank you God from bringing me an 'older women' when I needed it most. Let me be an 'older woman' to some other young lady.
WOW!!!! How can I live up to all of this. Help me Jesus to be faithful to You, and grow to be more like you want me….every moment of every day.