I love my pastor. Not only is he a nice person, but he is a Godly man. He "walks the walk" and teaches us how to do so.
Does your pastor challenge you each week as he speaks from the pulpit? Do you come away from his messages thinking about what he has to say, and changing some aspect of you life? My pastor does challenge us, he teaches us what Scripture says about Godly living, and I go home thinking (and praying) about how to live a life that is more Christ-centered. I come away wanting to be more obedient to the things of Christ.
I have heard the Word of God. I think that is a big part of why Scripture tells us to "gather together. ' We hear Gods word. "Hearing" is the key word here. Over and over in Scripture we are reminded that the world must 'hear' the word. The "world" includes you and me. If we hear, there must be a reason...we are not just to be entertained, but the hearing must lead to some application to our lives, to help us live more as Jesus would have us live here on earth.
Why hear the word? To learn what God has to say to us, and to learn how to live in the ungodly world around us. Our actions, our activities, our works do not draw us closer to God; because we love God we should want to be different, live differently from the world.
Now, if you do not feel challenged - if you do not come away from his messages thinking about how to apply what you have heard to you own life...two things may be the reason:
1) His message is faulty. He may not preach in such a way to challenge you. I have moved around the country several times in the past six years. I have had several different pastors. Not all are powerful, 'pound the pulpit' preacers, but they have told the truth, and have told us how to live Godly lives. Powerful or puney in delivery, these men have challenged us and told us what the Word of God says about living in this sinful world.
Many pastors today do not want to upset the congregation - they only want to 'tickle the ears' of the hearers. They may believe they must be politically correct in everything they say, and not offend any one. If you ave a pastor like that you might seriously consider looking for another Bible believing church that preaches the truth - not just 'feel good', messages. Yes, our leaders are to encourage us to live in this world, and to get us through the next seven days until we come together again, but he is also to reprove and correct us....so... if you are not being challenged...it might be his fault.
2) Not challenged? It might not be the fault of the pastor - it might be your fault. Why you go to church? For most of us it is our weekly routine - we forget that the reason that we go to worship service is just that - to worship our LORD. We actually go into the presence of God. He wants us to gather together for some reason...to speak to us.
Do you come away from the service thinking about what was said. Many times we walk away thinking, "He isn't talking about me," or " I don't agree with what he was saying."
Maybe the fault is ours. If we love our leader and believe that he is a man of God - then we really ought to pay attention to what he is saying.
What do you do while he is preaching? Have you ever thought about taking notes? If you were sitting in a class to learn a new skill you would probably take notes...for two reasons - not to forget what was said, and, to study those notes for the test that would be given. Taking notes helps to keep you focused.
Maybe paying attention in worship service, even taking notes, would help us understand, and be able to remember what was said that day.
What about the attitude of our hearts? Do we come to service with the expectation of learning how to live a more Godly life? Do we come wanting to change our actions so that we are more like Jesus every day?
If you are not challenged each week by your Pastor's message - either get a new pastor, or get a new attitude. Pray Pray Pray.