The MOST IMPORTANT thing about heaven…be sure you are there!!! Do you meet all the ‘qualifications’ to enter heaven? If you were to die this evening, would you be headed for heaven….without a doubt? If you are not sure…????
What do you already know
about Heaven? Who will be there? Who won’t? What does it look like? What will
we do there? Etc….
Read Rev. 4 and 5; 20:11-15
and Rev. 21.These are the primary chapters where concentrated information about
Heaven is located. Just read for general information.
Read and List all
words/sentences that ‘explain:’
Where else in Scripture do
you find mention of Heaven?
Read Rev. 4 and 5; 20:11-15 and Rev. 21 again. These are the most
concentrated verses that tell us about heaven. These can be considered
‘precepts’ – direct facts. What did you learn about heaven from these verses?
Mt 6:9
Mt 5:12
Lu 10:20
Heb. 12:23
1 Pet. 1:4
Heb 11:10,16
Heb 13:14
Eph. 5:5
Gal. 5:21
John 14: 2-3
Phil. 1:23
SO WHAT!!!! The most
important thing to take away from this lesson is…..
Scripture has
basically said:
- You cant get to heaven by being good
- You cant buy your way into heaven
- You can’t get to heaven by just attending a church
- You can’t get to heaven because your family has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.
- You can’t get to heaven by being baptized.Do you know for sure that you are going to heaven? If you are not sure, speak to your pastor or another Christian who you trust. DO IT TODAY!!! You CAN be sure you are going to heaven. Have NO doubt.Also…what about your family and friends? Have you helped them find their assurance of salvation and an eternity with Jesus?? !!!!! If not DO IT…also….if you need help with this see your pastor how to …or ask a trusted Christian friend to help you with this.DO IT TODAY!!