Monday, July 23, 2007

What Can We Learn From the Queens?

As a leader, or as a Christian woman in your community, people are watching your example. You have influence – negative or positive. As a child of God you are the daughter of the King. You might not be a "queen," but in many ways you are a Princess. Do you act like it? You have influence, people watch you.
If you are a child of God and walking with Him, then you are exactly where you are “for such a time as this.” God has a plan and purpose for your life planted just where you are.

There is a godly way to handle situations. Esther must have been fearful, yet she was faithful to her God and her people. She took care of the major problem in a dignified, gentle manner. Both Esther and Vashti could have usurped the throne as Athaliah did, yet they stood their ground, acted on what they believed in and, not causing disruption, effectively changed the situation.

As a leader there is a way to handle situations. Evil Queen Athaliah used force and murder, Esther and Vashti did not.

Each of us is a "Queen" in some way in the eyes of God. If whe have a relationship with Him, are walking with Him in obediende, then He has placed us where we are for a reason. Are you a working women? A wife and mother? An active leader, or a behind-the-scenes type of person? If you are walking with God, you are where you should be...for such a time as this. God's role model to us is Esther (and I think even Vashti). We can learn so much by her example.

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