Saturday, December 5, 2009

Another Christmas Story

Women’s Study Hall: Samaritan Woman
(John 4:1-42)

December is here and thoughts turn to the Christmas story. My friend Judy, called and asked me to suggest a text or theme for a short devotional she has to present to her Sunday School class for Christmas. “Something unusual, not the same thing that everyone else might present,” she said.

The answer for me is easy. I believe the story of the Samaritan Woman is a great Christmas Story!! It is the story of a gift - the gift of a miracle - the miracle of a life changed for eternity.

Read John 4:1-42. Slow down and read each word. Make a list of words that are repeated, or that you do not fully understand. What seems surprising to you? Or new to you?
Ask out three questions: Why has God given me this story? What would I miss out on if this story were not in Scripture? How can I apply this story to my own life? Add a forth question: How is this a Christmas story?

Read John 4:1-42 again.
In the study of the Woman at the Well, we are drawn to the main character – Jesus. He is our focus as the Messiah who comes to a village in the early part of His ministry, and reveals something to a sinful woman, that He reveals to very few people; the long awaited Messiah has come and is standing in front of her.

The story of Jesus and His encounter with the Samaritan woman is preached and studied often with the emphasis on evangelism – how Jesus reaches out to a Gentile woman to offer her eternal life. We study His love, care and concern, and her response. She is the first person to whom Jesus admits that He is the Messiah. She believes, accepts His gift of eternal life – then goes and tells the others in the village.

Jesus selected different metaphors to explain salvation to individuals. In the chapter before this one (Luke 3) Jesus uses the metaphors of “being born again” and “the wind blowing” to explain in a word picture the truths of salvation to a religious and educated man. Here in this story of the sinful, pagan woman in Samaria, Jesus uses the metaphor of a “gift” to explain to her about the life changing, and sustaining salvation that is available to her. “If you knew the gift of God and who it is who says to you, Give Me a drink….,” (verse 10) He never uses this exact metaphor again in recorded Scripture.

The Greek word used here for “gift” means a supernatural, God-given gift. It is not the word that means a charismatic gift, like spiritual gifts given to believers, and it is not the word gift that means the giving of a present to someone. Jesus never uses this particular word again. This alone should make us want to study the meaning of this particular type of gift that Jesus offers to the woman…and to us.

A supernatural, God-given gift. It is only the Lord Jesus Christ who can give the gift of eternal life. He comes to her, as he does to us in various ways, and offers her this supernatural gift. He places the offer of the gift before her, without any indication that she has done anything to deserve it, and her response is to reject it or accept this miraculous, eternity changing, offer. She accepts, and her life is never the same.

Ask: Why has God given me this story? What would I miss out on if this story were not in Scripture? How can I apply this story to my own life?

This story can be used at Christmas to explain the gift of eternal life. Because it is not the usual Christmas story, people may be more inclined to listen to what you have to say.
Jesus comes to a woman and offers her a gift. A supernatural gift. Did she really understand it all…like us probably not, but she realized that He was the Messiah, the one who would bring cleaning and peace to her soul. Jesus made his way to her at her place of comfort, her place of usual routine. He reached out and ‘got her attention.’

That’s what Christmas is all about. Jesus comes as a baby and offers the world a supernatural gift, the gift of eternal life. He comes to a world, to us, who are so unworthy to receive this gift. Anyone can receive this gift, and no one really deserves it.

I love the Christmas season. I love standing in long lines at the mall and WalMart! I love it!! I use this opportunity to mention the name of Jesus to those standing around me! You can do it too. You can tell people in a friendly, non-threatening way about the gift of eternal life! My technique is to get eye contact with someone, and glance at the magazine rack. Make some comment about what is on the cover of that gossip magazine, and say something about it and the condition of the world to spark the conversation. During the year I say, “I’m so glad that Jesus is coming back soon and is going to get us out of this mess.” Then I don’t say anything more. They just have to think about it! Believers will nod their heads, or say something in agreement. Non-believers will look quizzically or dumbfounded - at least they have heard the name of Jesus this day and have something to think about!

This Christmas let us rejoice and worship in an attitude of thanksgiving. God gave us the baby in the manger. God gave us, He offers to us, the gift of salvation. “Happy Birthday Baby Jesus…and thank You for giving to us the gift of eternal life.”

I would love to hear your comments –

Samaritan Woman

Like the empty jug
Fill my empty soul,
I feel dry and dead,
Fill and make me whole.

Scorned and alone,
Knife of hostility cut deep,
Townswomen, not friendly,
Would never speak.

Always looking for love,
Bad life choices,
Then you come to me,
My once-dead soul rejoices.

“Give me a drink,” His followers gone,
Conversation that would burn my soul,
With gentle eyes and gentle voice,
He was unlike men of my previous choice.

Man with the kind voice, You are much like me, always looking for someone to love You.

I was intrigued by this Jew who spoke to me,
Little did I know He would set me free.
A gift to give of eternal life,
I realized my sin, and had new life.

Man with the kind voice, You are much like me, always looking for someone to love You.

Like the jug of water, made of clay,
He took control, like the potter that day,
Living Water filled to the brim,
Overflowing with life, I believed in Him.

Man with the kind voice, You are much like me, always looking for someone to love You.

You too were scorned,
But with nails and a cross,
You took my sin
I am reborn through your loss.

Man with the kind voice, I love you.

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