Bible reading can be fun. Did I just say that!! Lets be honest, it is not in me, not in most of us, to really sit down and want to read Scripture. I don’t believe it is natural to want to read Scripture. Our flesh, our ‘natural man’ (or woman), will do anything to keep us from God’s message to us. But the only way to know God and the direction for our lives is to read the words He has given to us.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 reminds us that all Scripture is beneficial for our learning, our correction, and to teach us doctrine, yet for most of us we neglect making Scripture reading a priority in our lives. We say we don’t have the time, we forgot, or that we don’t understand what we are reading. I have a saying…. “Bible study/reading is not for sissies.” It takes work. That’s why we call it ‘study.’
Years ago I was struggling with reading the Bible. I wanted to read it, I really did, but the world and circumstances always got in the way. So I prayed. I asked God to not only put the love of reading Scripture into my heart, but to help me carve out a time and a place to study each day. My prayers were answered, and here I am years later having read through the Bible many times…and understanding it so much that I now have with several letters after my name that indicate that I have studied and gained some professional understanding of Gods Word.
Now, I love to read Scripture. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that I go to the Word every day, but having said that, I have found out several keys to ‘getting to it.’ First is prayer. If your heart is sincere and you pray for God to control your love of Scripture, you will have a desire to get into the Book.
Now the ‘fun’ part. As humans we like fun. So why not use that need to our spiritual advantage? We focus on fun as we reach out to youth – why not use fun for the rest of us too? Many people complete the daily cross word puzzle, or word search puzzle in the newspaper every day – for fun! Go to a book store or news stand and you will see a variety of puzzle books, even with a Bible emphasis. Puzzle books sell!!! Someone is reading there is an interest in puzzles and word games.
Puzzles are great for learning and for comprehension because they stretch the brain and expand how your mind solves problems, while having fun. You have to slow down to work a puzzle or crossword game. While you're solving a puzzle, you're really teaching your brain to work in new ways.
I never liked crossword puzzles or word search games. It is just not part of my personality….but over the past few years God has shown me how to use this ‘puzzle stuff’ to increase my own time in the Word. I want to share it with you.
But why “Word Search” Scripture? First to get us reading Scripture!! Secondly, to give us a sense of expectation and fun (yes, Bible reading can be fun!). And thirdly, to slow us down as we read, so we increase our comprehension. As we are in the Word…the Word will get into us. I ‘word search’ as I read,and have found the most amazing things! You can too. Let me share it with you. Lets look at some words.
Always look for the words “because,’ ‘for’ (when it means because), and ‘but.’ Small words can hold the key to a sentence or entire paragraph. These three small words tend to explains something.
Words of Faith: Salvation, repent/return, grace, mercy, God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, commands, prayer, miracles, angels, eternal life, altar, worship, peace, love, giving/tithing, obey, disobedience, sin, and so many more. What about references to prophecy, heaven or hell? What are you interested in?
Words for Fun: What are you interests? What are your hobbies? What is your field of employment? Look for topics such as gardening (flowers/plants), nature/agriculture, farming, money/finance, cloth/clothing/sewing, jewelry/precious stones, family, children, women, geography, music, singing, instruments, building, military, construction, house, food, dieting, cooking.…. Are you interested in genealogy, quilting or even scrap booking? What might you look for? (What are men interested in reading about? I don’t know.)
Grammar: Basic grammar is so very important. You might look for “all, every none, not, forever, all numbers, because, for, but,, etc..” Just begin to study the word ‘but.” I was amazed I began to look at sentences that explain things with the word “but.” What about the word “if?” You might mark every question that is asked in Scripture. Is there a difference between ‘the’ and ‘a’ when it comes to ‘the angel of the Lord’ or ‘an angel of the Lord?’ Little, short words many times are very important in overall understanding. Always do look for some grammar.
As an example: I always look for references to women because I am studying their lives and the role that God has for women. (I write a “W” in the margin.) I mark any reference to God’s love of Israel with an “I.” I am a retired nurse and always mark any reference to anatomy, illness, anything medical with a “M.” I mark any reference to the land of Israel with a “L” in the margin. (You do not have to mark as many as these, but as you begin to look for words of interest to you, your list might expand as mine has.)
One year as I read through the Bible I marked any reference to war, soldiers, and military battles. I gave the marked Bible to my nephew for a Christmas present.
A teacher might look for words having to do with understanding, learning, knowledge and teaching. (There are many of these)
A mother might mark all references in Scripture about God’s role for women, women as role models, commands about godly living for women, etc… The Bible might be given to her daughter ‘manual,’ , or to her son as a guideline for finding a godly wife.
You will not find your word (s) in every section of Scripture, but keep looking, remember that this is a word search! Some interests might now translate over to word study in Scripture. What about sports, t.v. or computers…won’t find much! For the best results, and to keep your interest (after all, keeping your interest is what this is all about), choose words that will be found, and found frequently, in Scripture. )
Your search results may be longer in the Old Testament, or New Testament, due to the specific topic you choose. “God” will be found in the OT and the NT, what about “Jesus”? What about “Holy Spirit?” If you are interested in spiritual gifts, you won’t find much in the Old Testament.
Try it…you might just get hooked!!!! Just think – looking forward to reading Scripture every day…what a concept.
The “Word Search Puzzle” starting point is to pick four words that you will search, one word from each of the previous given lists, or select words that are of interest to you:
1. Faith:______________
2. Fun:________________
3. Grammar:___________________
4. Always mark ‘because, for and but”. God explains things and we don’t want to miss them!
Puzzle #1 . I suggest you try this technique with your current Sunday School or Bible Study lesson. The goal is to keep our interest as we read Scripture. This works on short sections of Scripture, topical studies, as well as reading longer passages.
Puzzle #2: Try this puzzle exercise on Scripture that you have found difficult or boring in the past. (Sorry Mr. Job – that is your book for me. I just read the 5-7 chapters of Hosea with interest and new understanding.)
Notice how you have to slow down and look at each word! In my life I realized that one reason that I was not understanding Scripture was that I was ‘speed reading.’ For years high school taught speed reading, yet did not teach “speed comprehension.” When I forced myself to slow down and look at each word I was amazed at what I read, and what I remembered.
This morning I read for an hour and marked words such as because, but, for, covenant, land of Israel, and any reference to Gods love for Israel. That was my list.
Try it and let me know what you think. is an article that I wrote last year about Bible Study (reading)/. It sure applies here....
Bible Study: Who Do We Think We are Fooling?
We attend a Sunday School Class or Bible Study on Sunday; maybe a Wednesday night Bible Study; and maybe even a midweek Bible Study. My question is – who do we think we are fooling? Do we really study, or just show up and expect someone to give us a lecture?
If we do open up the study book to prepare, (not even opening the Bible), we spend a few minutes and call that study. If we do open up Scripture during the week we read it over quickly, and then think we have studied.
Who do we think we are fooling? Only ourselves.
After teaching Bible Study for almost every Sunday for 20 years, in eight different churches, I know that for the average attendee there is no preparation – no study.
At the beginning of each meeting I usually ask, “Who had time to study and prepare this week.” The result is usually pretty dismal.
Who do we think we are fooling?
Churches are beginning to change the of Bible Studies to be more ‘seeker friendly.” We now have “fellowship meetings or “care groups.” The emphasis is off the Bible and on to relationships to attract the ‘seeker.’ We have little accountability, and less expectation for the attendees.
Who do we think we are fooling? Bible Study is just that-study.
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