1 Sam. 14:49; 18: 20-28; 19:11-17; 25:44; 2 Sam. 3:13-14; 6:16-23; 21:8
1 Chron. 15:29.
Michal was the first wife of King David – and she helped ‘save the seed.’
Pray, asking God to guide your study.
Read all the verses marking your ‘special words.’ Mark “because” “for” when it means because, and ‘but.’ Also mark at least two of your favorite words. (If you do not have any idea what to look for, go back to the two previous studies, and use something from those lists.) (Go to the post for 5/21/10 to see information on word searches...Bible Reading Can Be Fun!)
For this study I also choose to word search __________________________ and ___________. Did you learn anything interesting?
Note any words or phrases that you do not fully understand, or would like to research. (You will research these tomorrow.)
Research the words that you noted above. Note the genealogy:
1 Sam 14:49. What might her relationship with her sister have been? Her brothers? Who were some of her brothers?
Her father? (Her life was like a modern-day soap opera!!)
DAY 3 The Marriage
David was given Michal for his wife as a reward for service. (Some say that Saul wanted to "keep his friends close, and his enemies closer.)
1 Sam.18:17-28 Scripture never indicates that David loved her in any way. This was common in ancient days – marriage made for political importance. I wonder how the women/men felt about this. Today our views of marriage are all about “love”.
David had many wives. Name two women(other wives) that Michal might have known in the palace. What might she have thought of them/their stories?
Here is another woman who was very much a part of Gods plan for Israel.Think of
all the things that Michal saw/heard/experienced, starting from the slaying of the giant. List a few:
DAY 4 Michal saves David
Here Michal “saved the seed.” How? What does this mean? I personally think this was the most important thing Michal did. Remember another wife, Abigail, who also ‘saved the seed?’ These two women showed themselves strong in times of great pressure and danger.)Abigail kept David from making the mistake of murdering her husband which would have gone against God. God may have taken David off of the throne for his actions. Michal saved Davids life - and the descendants of David (seed).
Note 1 Sam. 19:11-18: What was an idol/image doing in the house of the King of Israel?
Who was her father the King? Was he a positive role model to his family?
Poor Michal. She was in the middle between her father, the king, and her husband, the soon to be king. Scripture twice says that she loved David, she saved his life, yet when he danced before the Lord(2 Sam 6:16: 1 Chron. 15:29), she ‘despised’ him. Michal loathed, detested, David at this point. Do we have any idea why?
Does she seem spiritual in any way? Do we see her praying? How did her spirituality possibly affect her life decisions? Did she share the religious zeal of her husband?
2 Samuel 21:8 says Michal was the mother to some children. Perhaps she raised the children that her sister had. Michal is often called “the woman who never celebrated a mothers day.” Perhaps because of her distain for David.
We see the sad side of Michal. She was sent back and forth between men, (1 Sam 25:44)and twice it says “she loved David.” David wanted her back, but there is no indication that he loved her, perhaps it was just his pride that wanted her back. After all she had been given to him by King Saul, and now when he was king he wanted his possession back? How might she have felt?
Is there anything we can learn from her about “love and marriage and a baby in a carriage” from this story? Many say that the story of Ruth and Boaz is a love story. Is the story of Michal and David a love story?
Why study Michal? Have we learned anything about her that is worth spending time over? Is this story just the story of the two kings? Is she just a side story or can we learn something important from her.
Always answer our questions
1. How does 2 Tim. 3:16-17 apply to these verses?
2. What if these stories about Michal had been left out of Scripture.
3. What is God trying to teach us through these stories
4. What can we take from the story of Michal to use in 2010?
My own personal opinion is that this story was given to us to show the sovereignty of God. God had promised that the line of David would always be on the throne. Michael saved the very seed. Michael saved the life of David when she let him escape as her father sent men to kill him. She 'saved the seed.' Again, God uses a women, behind the scene, to fulfill His plan. Esther 'saved the seed.' Abigail 'saved the seed'. The midwives in Egypt 'saved the seed.'. The wife of the priest in the story of Athaliah 'saved the seed.'
The point? God uses women, behind the scene, for His plan and purpose.
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