Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why Study the Bible-It is Truth

Bible Basics – Why is the Bible Considered True (Given by God)*

1. The unity and completeness of the Bible. A “Scarlet Thread” runs through the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. It all points to Jesus.

2. The Bible has been and continues to be the world’s best selling book. It has lasted for centuries.

3. The Bible continues to impact day to day issues. News today is full of discussion about same-sex marriage, the posting of the Ten Commandments, prayer in school and at public gatherings etc… No other religious writing has this impact.

4. The Bible changes people by transforming the heart. It speaks of sin, forgiveness and salvation.

5. The Bible has inspired people from all walks of life and for those filled with the Holy Spirit is a wealth of guidance for daily life, today in 2008 as much as in past years i.e. 1608, 1708, 1808 etc…

6. The specific focus of its teachings evidence a Divine authorship. It is unlike any other teaching. It points our sin and evil, as well as goodness and grace.

7. The Bible says it is the Word of God (over 2,000 times.)

8. Science points to the fact that it is a divinely inspired book. Several verses mention that the earth is round (Job 26:7). Isaiah states, “He who sits above the circle of the earth.” Supernatural information given to men by a divine author.

9. Scripture says that it was given to men, dictated by God: 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:21, and Zech. 7:12.

All of these reasons, plus others, tells us that the Scripture is 'supernatural.' God has indeed given us this book and it is True.

*Taken From
Kennedy, D. James. What if the Bible Had Never Been Written? Thomas Nelson. 1998

Pink, Arthur W., The Divine inspiration of the Bible. Sovereign Grace Publication, Lafayette IN 2003

Willmington. H.L. Doctrine of the Bible. Thomas Nelson Pub. 1974.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Back to Basics III

Bible Basics
Why Study the Bible

Because it is the Word of God!! Also**

1.It helps settle us Eph 4:14
2.It will help save us from false teaching 1 Tim. 4:13-16
3.It will help us reflect God in our lives 2 Tim. 2:12
4.It will help us equip ourselves for the life God has planned for us 2 Tim 3:13-17.
5.We will understand the history of Israel 1 Cor. 10:1-5
6.We will understand the restoration of Israel Ro. 11:25
7.We will understand spiritual gifts 1 Cor. 12;1
8.We will understand the return of Christ 1 Thes. 4:13-17
9.We will understand the destruction of the earth 2 Pet.3:1,10

10.Know about salvation and the God who gives us salvation.
11.Guidelines for our daily Christian living.

**Adapted from (If you have not ever read anything by Willmington - you are missing out!!)
Willmington, Harold L. Willmington’s Book of Bible Lists. Tyndale House. 1987.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Back to Basics II

Bible Study is a Do-It-Yourself Project


Yes, we get together for Bible Study, and for hearing messages from Scripture spoken to us by our leaders, but in many ways Bible Study is a Do-It-Yourself project. The average Christian spends an insignificant amount of time actually studying Scripture (in comparison to time spent watching TV, participating in sports events, etc…). I said in my last blog, most people who attend a Bible Study show up to listen, with very little in-depth study being done at home by themselves.

Bible study is just that – study, and is not for ‘sissies.’ Bible study is hard work and is a do-it-yourself activity!

Many will say that they are not smart enough to understand Scripture, but take no initiative to find out how to study Scripture. Those feeling are old holdovers taught to us centuries ago by Church Fathers – that only they were able to read and understand Scripture. You can do-it-yourself.

God has given us His Word to read. Men and women have died to protect the Word. God arranged for hand written scrolls to be found in the caves at Quamran in Israel so that we can know for sure that what we are reading is authentic. The invention of the printing press assures that believes can each have a copy. Yet most of us sitting in pews every week don’t consider studying the words of God important. When we do open the pages it is just casual reading – not study. Call it what it is for most of us “Bible Reading” not “Bible Study.”

At three different churches I have surveyed thirty senior adult women who have been ‘life-long’ Christians, and asked them to fill out a questionnaire that asks: how long have your been a Christian, do you consider yourselves ‘baby’ or ‘mature’ Christians, and, how many times have you read the entire Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. The results are disappointing; most are in their 60-70’s and have been Christians since childhood. The majority still consider themselves “babies” in the faith, and only one or two (of 30) answer that they have read the entire Bible. (My guess is that men will answer the same way.)

Another thing - Bible Study is not….

Bible Study is not reading your ‘daily devotional.’ Spending five minutes a day reading one verse, and then reading comments by someone else is not study. Reading devotionals is just reading what someone else thinks about one or two verses. These devotional studies are wonderful for encouragement and to elicit some introspection about the daily life of the reader, but it is not Bible Study.

I have several daily devotionals that I read: Upper Room, Daily Bread, Billy Graham and Joyce Meyer…but these are not Bible Studies! Read Scripture - do-it-yourself, don’t read someone else’s comments.

But honestly – why bother reading Scripture? Most Christians really don’t. I want to help women study the Scripture, and teach women that they can, and should, do-it-themselves.

My next few blogs will be about “why” study Scripture.