Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Back to Basics III

Bible Basics
Why Study the Bible

Because it is the Word of God!! Also**

1.It helps settle us Eph 4:14
2.It will help save us from false teaching 1 Tim. 4:13-16
3.It will help us reflect God in our lives 2 Tim. 2:12
4.It will help us equip ourselves for the life God has planned for us 2 Tim 3:13-17.
5.We will understand the history of Israel 1 Cor. 10:1-5
6.We will understand the restoration of Israel Ro. 11:25
7.We will understand spiritual gifts 1 Cor. 12;1
8.We will understand the return of Christ 1 Thes. 4:13-17
9.We will understand the destruction of the earth 2 Pet.3:1,10

10.Know about salvation and the God who gives us salvation.
11.Guidelines for our daily Christian living.

**Adapted from (If you have not ever read anything by Willmington - you are missing out!!)
Willmington, Harold L. Willmington’s Book of Bible Lists. Tyndale House. 1987.

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