Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why Study the Bible-It is Truth

Bible Basics – Why is the Bible Considered True (Given by God)*

1. The unity and completeness of the Bible. A “Scarlet Thread” runs through the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. It all points to Jesus.

2. The Bible has been and continues to be the world’s best selling book. It has lasted for centuries.

3. The Bible continues to impact day to day issues. News today is full of discussion about same-sex marriage, the posting of the Ten Commandments, prayer in school and at public gatherings etc… No other religious writing has this impact.

4. The Bible changes people by transforming the heart. It speaks of sin, forgiveness and salvation.

5. The Bible has inspired people from all walks of life and for those filled with the Holy Spirit is a wealth of guidance for daily life, today in 2008 as much as in past years i.e. 1608, 1708, 1808 etc…

6. The specific focus of its teachings evidence a Divine authorship. It is unlike any other teaching. It points our sin and evil, as well as goodness and grace.

7. The Bible says it is the Word of God (over 2,000 times.)

8. Science points to the fact that it is a divinely inspired book. Several verses mention that the earth is round (Job 26:7). Isaiah states, “He who sits above the circle of the earth.” Supernatural information given to men by a divine author.

9. Scripture says that it was given to men, dictated by God: 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 2 Pet. 1:21, and Zech. 7:12.

All of these reasons, plus others, tells us that the Scripture is 'supernatural.' God has indeed given us this book and it is True.

*Taken From
Kennedy, D. James. What if the Bible Had Never Been Written? Thomas Nelson. 1998

Pink, Arthur W., The Divine inspiration of the Bible. Sovereign Grace Publication, Lafayette IN 2003

Willmington. H.L. Doctrine of the Bible. Thomas Nelson Pub. 1974.

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