As I sat down to write my next blog about basics, the thought came to me...what are the basics, and who says so? The basics are the foundation of our faith, and our daily walk in the world.
We often talk about "Biblical Basics." Usually we list them as Prayer, Worship, Bible Study, Church Life, Service, Giving, etc.... Who says so? Is there anything in Scripture that tells us what are the basics?
I began looking in Scripture for an answer to those questions. Are there any lists or portions of Scripture that specifically say... "These are the basics"? What I have found so far begins with the Ten Commandments...a general list of basics.
As the people left Egypt under the leadership of Moses they were becoming a nation. At Mount Sinai, God spoke to Moses and gave a list of 'do's and don'ts.' These may be the beginning of what we consider basics. The first section of the Ten Commandments speak of how man should approach God - as the focus of their lives, and with honor - and love. There is no specific mention of Worship, but it is there. Love and respect for God is the overriding theme.
The other portions of the Ten Commandments focus on the relationship between people. A summary statement might and respect all people - or the old - do unto others as you do to yourself.
As basics, God instructs love, respect and worship of God, and also love and respect for other people.
That is a start.
My next blog will discuss what else I found - that might be considered a list.
Please contact me if you have other ideas about where the "basics" are listed in Scripture.
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