Sunday, January 24, 2010


Stop! Look! Listen! Bible Study Technique
1 Samuel 25; 2 Sam. 2:2-3; 1 Chron 3:1-9

“Bible Study” is just that – study! It is not casual, recreational reading. Bible Study is hard work. We do not have to be Biblical scholars to find out the meaning of what God has to say to us. With help of the Holy Spirit, some time, a few study techniques, and diligence, even a layperson can understand Scripture.

Pray. Ask God to open your eyes and heart to the truths in His Word. Pray for no distractions or interruptions. Get your Bible. Make note of what Bible translation are you using? Why have you chosen this translation? (I strongly recommend that you use KJ,NKJ, or NAS)

Read the verses at one sitting (if possible). Slow down and look at each word.
a. Mark or list any words you do not fully understand. (If you are using a KJV you might have a longer list because of the use of the old English language). Research these words using a Bible Dictionary, Strong’s Concordance, or other resource. Do not study a commentary until your personal study is complete.
For example: What is LORD? What is the difference between LORD and Lord?

b. Mark any words that are of interest to you. (I always mark “because” or “for” when it means because. I mark a “P” in the margin for anything that I think is Prophecy. I mark an “I” in the margin if I see any promises to Israel. What is of interest to you?)

c. As you study the women of the Old Testament be sure to search a concordance to see if the woman is mentioned in the New Testament, and read those verses also. There is no mention of Abigail in the NT, but there is another Abigail in 1 Chro 2:16-17- but a different Abigail.

This section is where you will spend most of your study time. Read the verses again.
(This is a great story) This a study of Abigail, but list the men associated with her life, and note how they interact with her.

Getting back to our basic technique….part of crossing the street is to “Look right! Look left!” Study the verses/chapters around this story. How to the preceding events affect this story? How does this story affect the events that follow? Also….”scan the horizon.” Identify where this story took place. Find it on a map. Geography is important.

She is from Carmel. Is the Mt. Carmel, like Elijah, or another Carmel?

If God speaks, note to whom God speaks. If this is a study about a person(s), what is recorded that they said?

Now just look at her speech. What did she say? What was her attitude?

Abigail and the beginning of the monarchy - think about what history/miracles that she witnessed or was part of during her life that might not be mentioned specifically in these verses, What might Abigail have thought about the later Bathsheba situation? David was not king when they got married. She was witness to his coronation….and his running in the desert.

Did she have any children? I wonder what she thought of Bathsheebas son becoming the next king…why not hers? What other women might she have known in the palace?
She might have witnessed David’s dancing in the streets as Miriam did…there is no record of her reaction…….what else… there any indication if there was romantic love between Abigail and Nabal or David? She was respectful and submissive to both husbands. What can her actions teach us about marriage?

One of the most important things about Abigail is that she saved David from a very bad mistake. I call it ‘saving the seed.’ She kept David ‘right’ with God. What did she do and say that changed David’s mind about his plan to kill Nabal? How did this have eternal consequences?

For the story of Abigail – is it important to read about the other wives of David, and the sons?

One of the most familiar verses in Scripture is 2 Timothy 3:16-17. How do these two verses apply to the study of this woman - for Christians in general, and you in particular?
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for

a. doctrine(teaching),
b. for reproof(rebuke, censure, conviction),
c. for correction(correction of error),
d. for instruction in righteousness(acting in accordance with Gods teachings),
e. (so) that the man (or woman) of God, may be complete(having reached full maturation, competent, capable to meet all demands) ,
f. thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


Read the verses one last time.
What is God trying to teach us in these verses? What would we have missed if this story had not been written? What can I apply to my life today? This is the MOST IMPORTANT question of all! This is why we study!
Pick out one verse and hand write it out. You might even memorize it.

Have some fun with the study of this woman. This will help you absorb the contents:
a. Write a poem or song about the woman and her story
b. Draw a picture that represents this story
c. List verses in other books that remind you of the message of this woman.

Also...I have just finished writing an article.... "Israel A-Z" that I have been sending out to my
list for Moriah Christian Tours newsletter. You are not on that list. (If you would like
to be on the list let me know.)

We are going to Israel in June and I want to give people an idea of what they will
experience on the trip. Thought you might like to see it, or pass it on to someone else.
Go to our web site for more info. Deposits are due by June 30.

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