Stop! Look! Listen! Bible Study Technique
Eve – Genesis 1-3; 4:1-2; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim.2:13-15
Pray. Ask God to open your eyes and heart to the truths in His Word. Pray for no distractions or interruptions. What do you already know about Eve?
Get your Bible. Make note of what Bible translation are you using? Why have you chosen this translation? ( I strongly recommend that you use KJ,NKJ, or NAS)
Read the verses at one sitting (if possible). Slow down and look at each word.
a. Mark or list any words you do not fully understand. This might include geographical locations. (For instance some versions say she was the ‘helpmet’ of Adam – what does that mean). I don’t stress this enough. My first step is to actually make a print out of all the verses with the Strong’s number included. Then when I find a word that I want to research, I use that number to find definitions. Not everyone will want to go into this depth…but for the serious student this is very important.
b. Mark any words that are of interest to you. (I always mark “because” or “for” when it means because. I mark a “P” in the margin for anything that I think is Prophecy. I mark an “I” in the margin if I see any promises to Israel. What is of interest to you?)
Write out by hand these important verses - Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim.2:13-15.
This section is where you will spend most of your study time. Read the verses again.
Research these words you marked in the STOP! section using a Bible Dictionary, Strong’s Concordance, or other resource. Do not study a commentary until your personal study is complete.
One of the important themes in the study of Adam and Eve is the role of men and women that God intended. What do you see? Remember to Keep It Sacred Scripture (KISS).
Getting back to our basic technique….part of crossing the street is to “Look right! Look left!” Scan the horizon.” Identify where this story took place. Can we locate Eden on a map? What about ‘east of Eden’? “Look right”…this story impacts every story that follows in Scripture. God gave the man and the woman a perfect place and perfect lives. The two chose to disobey God…as it goes on today.
Remember to look for your four “P’s. The story of Eve is the “beginning of it all.”
1. Practice what is the ongoing custom or tradition that is repeated –or started? What can we learn from this that will influence our understanding of the story?
2. Precept- a specific rule, command, instruction. Are any given? Note who gives the command and to whom the command is given. “Do not eat…” “Go forth and multiply.”
3. Principle- a belief, a standard. A general truth. A fundamental assumption. A generally acceptable rule of action or behavior, i.e. moral principles. Husband relationship? Husband as leader? Wife as helper? What is started in the ‘beinning’?
4. Progressive Revelation- information that is unveiled a little at a time. Do we see the beginning of a theme…what is revealed? What about the ‘curse’ to the serpent, Eve, and Adam?
What men were important in the life of Eve besides Adam?
Note to whom God speaks. To whom does God give the commands? Does God speak directly to Eve? What words did Eve say that we have recorded?
How do God’s ‘curses’ on Adam, Eve and the serpent impact us today? Who or what is the ‘Seed’?
One of the most familiar verses in Scripture is 2 Timothy 3:16-17. How do these two verses apply to the study of this woman - for Christians in general, and you in particular.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for
a. doctrine(teaching)…(what do we see in these verses?)
b. for reproof(rebuke, censure, conviction)…. (what do we see in these verses?)
c. for correction(correction of error)… (what do we see in these verses?)
d. for instruction in righteousness(acting in accordance with Gods teachings)… (what do we see in these verses?)
e. (so) that the man (or woman) of God, may be complete(having reached full maturation, competent, capable to meet all demands)… (what do we see in these verses?)
f. thoroughly equipped for every good work….(what do we see in these verses?)
I love this…..Scripture says that men are made out of dirt….women are not!!
Read the verses one last time.
What is God trying to teach us in these verses?
What would we have missed if this story had not been written?
What can I apply to my life today? (This is the MOST IMPORTANT question of all! This is why we study!)
Pick out one verse that ‘speaks to you,” and hand write it out. You might even memorize it.
Have some fun with the study of this woman. This will help you absorb the contents:
a. Write a poem or song about the woman and her story
b. Draw a picture that represents this story
c. Write other verses of Scripture that remind you of the message of this woman…..for instance…wives are to be submissive to husbands, family
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