Sunday, February 14, 2010

Proverbs 31 Woman

Proverbs 31:10-31

Twenty one verses. Not very lengthy, but this still requires time and dedication. “Bible Study” is just that – study! It is not casual, recreational reading. Bible Study is hard work. We do not have to be Biblical scholars to find out the meaning of what God has to say to us. With help of the Holy Spirit, some time, a few study techniques, and diligence, even a layperson can understand Scripture.

Pray. Ask God to open your eyes and heart to the truths in His Word

What do you already know about this these verses/this story? Who was this woman? Was her story based on an actual or fictional woman? How old was she? We often think of her as a young woman, but could she have been a senior adult?

Make note of what Bible translation are you using. Why have you chosen this translation? ( I strongly recommend that you use KJ,NKJ, or NAS. For serious study never use a paraphrase such as the NLT)

Read the verses at one sitting. This is the familiar story of the “virtuous” or ‘excellent’ wife. Read it with fresh eyes and spirit. Slow down and look at each word.

a. Mark or list any words you do not fully understand. (If you are using a KJV you might have a longer list because of the use of the old English language). For instance, do you know what ‘distaff’ means in vs 19. Why ‘scarlet’ in vs. 21? Of what importance are ‘the gates’ mentioned in vs 23 and 31? Research any word that you really do not understand, using a Bible Dictionary, Strong’s Concordance, or other resource.

b. Mark any words or phrases that are of interest to you. (I always mark “because” or “for” when it means because. I mark a “P” in the margin for anything that I think is prophecy. I mark an “I” in the margin if I see any promises to Israel. What is of interest to you?)

This section is where you will spend most of your study time. Read the verses again.

Getting back to our basic technique….part of crossing the street is to “Look right! Look left!” Study the verses/chapters around this story. How to the preceding verses affect this story? You might want to know wrote the book of Proverbs? Who might have been the model for this women?

Geography is important to each story. There might not be a specific geographical location for this story, but what about the fact that the story takes place in a village/or city? What does the reference to ‘gates’ signify?

This woman seemed to be a ‘working mom.’ We hear reference that women should stay at home – how is this reflected in our story of the Proverbs woman? Despite the fact that she does seem to work outside the home, what is her main focus? How does that apply to our understanding of the role of woman in 2010?

This is her story, but look at the men in her life, and her interaction with them. She is respected. Is she 'submissive'?

How old is she? Could she have been a young woman? How about a grandmother type?

How are women today, like, or unlike this woman? As we teach this we often say, “I want to be like the Proverbs 31 woman.”… How does this look like you, your daughters, your daughters-in-law? My own opinion is that, for most of us, we are not like this woman, in that our level of commitment to work is lacking. For most of us we do not work from sunrise to sunset…we spend much time watching TV, playing games on the computer, reading, etc... These are all good things, but even in my own life, I could be more productive in our service to not only the Lord, but to my family, and my ‘church family.’

Work…taking the kids to soccer games and dance classes is work! Volunteering at church is work! For those stay-at-home, senior adult ladies, praying is work! And, yes, cooking, cleaning and taking care of family is work.

Pick out one verse and hand write it out. You might even memorize it.

Anr interesting side study – several resources suggest that Prov. 31:10-31 was adapted from Psalm 111, read this Psalm for comparisons.

Read the verses one last time. This poem may indeed not be about a specific woman, but about wisdom in general. No matter…there is a storehouse of great truth and instruction from the Lord.

What is God trying to teach us in these verses?
What would we have missed if this story had not been written?
What can I apply to my life today? This is the MOST IMPORTANT question of all! This is why we study!

I am not a wife. I do not have children nor grandchildren. I am a senior adult woman. How does this all pertain to me? My life and ‘work’ is for the Lord, through my local church. That is my family. I can do better of taking care of my “family.”

Who is the woman in your life that is a role-model for the concept of the Proverbs 31woman? There is a senior adult woman in Knoxville who collects aluminum cans, in order to be able to tithe at her church, and to donate to charities. Over the past twenty years she has given over $50,000.00 to help others!!! Years ago she knew that on her limited income she did not have the finances to “serve the Lord,” as she says. She goes out looking for aluminum, and her friends save their cans for her. Now that is a Proverbs 31 woman!!

I think of three of my senior adult friends, each over 75, who keep busy. They are involved with local mission work, feeding the hungry, praying, working at the church office, etc….I am not quite in my 70’s, but these are my Proverbs 31 women!! They are my role models….thank you Lois, Wilodene and Francis.!!

I would like to hear your comments on this study. If you have any questions or would like some help with a study you are working on contact me. Send me an e-mail

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