Sunday, April 10, 2011

John 20 - part 2

John 20: 1:11-18
Remember to record the resources that you used as you studied.

Use your Stop! Look! Listen! technique. Read the verses with new eyes, slowly and several times, look for words you might not understand, etc…

There always seems to be some question/confusion about the women and Mary coming to the tomb. Mary sees Jesus when she is alone. The women see Jesus and it does not seem that Mary is there…. Do some research to figure this out….why? People will always point to ‘inconsistencies’ in Scripture – and you will be able to answer this one. (See below)

Jesus calls Mary "woman" and then by her name...why?

What are some reasons that she did not recognize Him?

What did Jesus mean when He spoke about ‘do not touch me’…later He would let Thomas touch Him>

What if this part of the story had been left out of Scripture….what would we have missed out on? Why do we need all this detail?
What is God trying to teach us?
How will the study of these verses impact my view of ‘Easter”?

One probable answer to the ‘confusion of the women’ verses:
Mary goes and sees the two angels and the empty tomb.
She runs to tell the men
On the way she passes the women who are coming and tells them about the empty tomb
Mary goes on to tell the men…..The women get to the tomb and see the angels
Mary tells Peter and John and the men run to the tomb.
Mary goes back later and sees the Risen Lord – He tells her He has risen.

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