A quote from John McArthur” Now it's interesting also that when Jesus appears in all of these eleven that we know about, He appears only to His own. He never appears to unbelievers. He never appears to the scribes and Pharisees and says, "Ha, I told you, here I am, you didn't believe." He never does that. He appears only to those who are His own.”
Some of the key things to focus on:
Why did Jesus show Himself? Was it necessary? Did he ever show Himself to unbelievers?
“Peace” vs 19, 21, 28. What type of peace?
Jesus shows His physical body – He is not returned in spirit form.
Notice emotions…fear… ‘were glad’, etc…
Vs 22 – Have you ever heard a sermon on this verse? What is this ‘breathed on them”?
Vs 23 Have you ever heard a sermon on this verse? What is the ‘forgiveness’? As humans, do we really have the authority to forgive anyone?
VS 30-31…are key verses….why John wrote the book….what might he have left out?
Think about Thomas - was his disbelief a sign of lack faith? Would you have believed the story of Jesus bodily return if you had been Thomas, and not seen it for yourself? Perhaps Thomas is an example of some of us who take longer, or need more to come to saving/believing faith.
To Mary Magdalene
To the 12 and Thomas – John 19, 1 Cor 15:4
To the seven disciples by the Sea of Galilee
To 500 in Galilee….1 Cor. 15:6
To James in Jerusalem and Bethany 1 Cor 15:7
To many at the ascension Acts 1:3-12
To Steven when he was stoned to death Acts 7:55
Paul near Damascus - Acts 9:3-6; 1 Cor 15:8 (many scholars believe that Paul spend a lengthy time with Jesus (personally) right after he was commissioned by Jesus – perhaps in the desert)
To John the writer, at Patmos Rev. 1:10-19
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